It gives me great pleasure to publish these photographs which arrived today from the Whakatane RSA. The medals and memorabilia of the late WO1 Walter Jackson RNZA – Gallipoli veteran and WW2 National Military Reserve (died in NZ 1940), which have been resident in the Waiouru WO’s & Sgts’ Mess for the last 50 years or so, have finally been returned to the Jackson family via Walter Jackson’s eldest living grandson, Gavin Nicol. Gavin, the long serving Welfare Officer of the Whakatane RSA, met with the RSM Waiouru Camp, WO1 Moana Hata, who travelled up to Whakatane last week to personally hand over the medals to Gavin – and on Gavin’s 75th birthday! Congratulations Gavin – quite some birthday gift.
Happy 75th birthday Gavin
The medals finally reached their intended destination personally delivered by nephew Gavin Nicols to his Aunty Shirley, Walter Jackson’s youngest daughter who is now almost 98 years of age.
Lest We Forget