- ANDERSON, GORDON EDWIN ~ Kerikeri couple preserve Stratford BNZ clerk’s WW1 medal.
- ANDREWS, NORMAN ALEXANDER ~ Nelson RSA Medals ~ the LAST WW1 medal is reunited.
- ANDREWS, WILLIAM HENRY (alias Henry ‘Harry’ ANNALS) ~ Brothers KIA on same day in Battle of Flers, Somme 1916.
- ASHWORTH, ERNEST ~ ‘Death Plaque’ returned to Oamaru family.
- BACH, DERYCK REEVE ~ A Whitanga soldier’s unclaimed war medals & memorabilia: RSA asks MRNZ for help to return it to family.
- BAKER, S/Sgt. Te Hoani Matekairoa Nicholas – Fiji Infantry Regt. ~ UPDATE: History repeats …. a third time might be pushing one’s luck?
- BAKER, TE HOANI MATEKAIROA NICHOLAS ~ Medal found for service in Malaya with Fiji Infantry reaps two more for Gisborne family.
- BALL, THOMAS MURDY ~ WW1 Tunnelling Company officer’s medal reunited.
- BARRIBALL, WILLIAM ROY WESLEY ~ ‘Ship of Death’ survivor’s war medal found by MRNZ in France.
- BARRON, FREDERICK CHRISTMAS ~ Stalag 18A POW medals issued in 1983 located with MRNZ assistance.
- BATEMAN, WILLIAM CHARLES HENRY ~ Abandoned medals of migrant soldier/airman found in a decommissioned Blenheim church, returned to England.
- BEALE, ROUEN RODNEY ~ A medal denied as the result of an admin SNAFU is finally awarded to a 1957 CMT Recruit.
- BEECHEY, E.D. – HORACE GEORGE ST. VINCENT ~ Anonymous text message offers return of lost medals.
- BENNETT, ARTHUR GODFREY ~ Silverstream aiman’s last bombing mission would go down in RNZAF and world history.
- BENNETT, M.C. – SAMUEL JOHN ~ WW1 medals STOLEN in Rotorua, found and reunited !
- BEVAN, HENRY RAYMOND ~ War medal of NZ Maori rugby player from Otaki reunited with All Blacks family.
- BLOMFIELD, LAURENCE FREDERICK ~ Auckland marine engineer’s WW1 medal reunited with his 96 year old daughter.
- BOULT, Brothers CHARLES & BENJAMIN ~ The Boult Brothers of Ashley Clinton, Hawkes Bay.
- BOWEN, CAMPBELL LUPTON, aka Richard Bowen ~ The return of an Australian NZEF Trooper’s medals for service in the Desert Mounted Corps.
- BRAUND, JOSEPH NORMAN ~ NZ Trooper’s Boer War medal found in Australia is reunited with his son in Auckland.
- BROWN, SYLVIA DAISY ~ Nelson Police recovery of Hospital Matron’s war medal leads to a long search of discovery.
- BRUCE, 12/301 Sgt. Harry ~ UPDATE: Website post turns up medals and hat badge.
- BRUCE, HARVEY JOHN ~ Geraldine treasure hunters unearth pocket watch Fob of Gallipoli ‘First Day Lander’.
- CAMPBELL, PHILIP ALEXANDER ~ Second NZEF soldiers honoured with a Diploma from the ‘King’ while Crossing the Line enroute to North Africa.
- CANN, NOEL EDWARD ~ Mystery medals found in Rarotonga.
- CANNON, 24/1347 Cpl. Thomas Birkby ~ UPDATE
- CANNON, THOMAS BIRKBY ~ Militaria collector’s generosity reunites Wanganui family with WW1 & WW2 medals PLUS.. !
- CARROLL, JAMES – R.N. ~ HMS FLIRT sailor’s link to St Andrews, Waitaki.
- CASTAING, ROLAND LUCIEN ~ Regular soldier’s WW2 medals found in a Whitianga op-shop after his donor brother dies.
- CHAPMAN, WILLIAM ANDREW ~ The travels of a Palmerston North family’s WW1 memorial plaque finally end in London.
- CHASE, 6/4594 Pte. Samuel ~ UPDATE #1: 17 August 2018.
- CHASE, 6/4594 Pte. Samuel ~ UPDATE #2: 05 October 2018.
- CHASE, SAMUEL ~ The lost medal of a Hawkes Bay soldier who died alone in a Nelson Asylum.
- CLARKE, REGINALD JOHN ~ Former RAF pilot’s medals & wings are found in Nelson dump by loader driver.
- CLUNE, JAMES ~ NZ (Maori) Pioneer Battalion soldier’s medal reveals a sad end to a ‘lost’ life.
- CONYNGHAM, ARTHUR JAMES ~ Auctioned war medals & ephemera of a WW1 Medic rescued at the 11th hour.
- CORBITT, ISAAC ALBERT CARTER ~ TradeMe medal purchase reunited with Australian descendant.
- COWAN / CALLAN, QUENTIN MORRISON – aka TIMOTHY CALLAN ~ Sister’s treasured mementos & medals of a Scottish soldier, reunited with their UK finder after 46 years.
- CRAIG, ALEXANDER WESTWOOD ~ Medal was just 5km away from family.
- CRAIG, MALCOLM CAMPBELL ~ Medal found in Kaitangata returned to CRAIG family in Auckland.
- CRUICKSHANK, M.M. – 6/2105 Sgt. ALEXANDER ~ UPDATE: Medal No. 2
- CRUICKSHANK, M.M. – ALEXANDER ~ Third time ‘unlucky’ for Okaromio Military Medal recipient.
- CURREY, ARTHUR HEMMING ~ “The Box” – a WW1 Artilleryman’s mementos from Gallipoli & the Somme are reunited.
- DAVIDSON, DCM – PHILIP ANZAC ~ Missing WW2 Pacific gallantry medal group offered to kin.
- DEMPSEY, DENNIS JAMES ~ Pilot’s Memorial Cross was ‘sold’ only to be reunited with its Te Awamutu seller.
- DENHAM, ALBERT EDWARD ~ A grandson’s broken heart is at last mended with the gift of his Grandfather’s medals, found at an Omokoroa Beach house.
- DEVLIN, 6359 Pte. ANTHONY ~ UPDATE: EAST LANCS. & WEST YORKS. REGT ~ Boer War medal & the London’s centennial Remembrance Parade 2018.
- DEVLIN, ANTHONY – EAST LANCS. & WEST YORKS. REGT ~ Hokianga Boer War medal goes home to Carlisle.
- DICKIN, HENRY GEORGE ~ WW1 medals & ‘Death Penny’ returned to NZ by retired Remuera funeral director.
- DINES, 23/38 Sgt. GEORGE WILLIAM DINES ~ UPDATE: Another medal surfaces and returns home to Fairlie.
- DINES, GEORGE WILLIAM – Fairlie War Memorial leads a grandson to claim a descendant’s WW1 medal for his grandfather.
- DOBBS, ARTHUR BARRIE ~ One of 63,661 CMT conscripts under the Military Training Act, 1949 gets medal in time for ANZAC Day.
- DRUMMOND, CLIFTON DRUMMOND ~ ‘Death Penny’ & medal reunited with Braeburn, Lower Moutere descendant.
- EGAN, CLARENCE GODFREY ~ WW2 medals salvaged from Trade-Me by a dedicated Motueka veteran’s advocate.
- ELLIS, HARRY THURSTON ~ Merchant Navy officer’s medals found in Lower Hutt deceased estate.
- ELVY, CLAUDE DAVID ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Medal found by NZ Police belonged to one of four brothers who went to WW1 – the one who never returned.
- EVERITT, M.M. – 20979 Cpl. Albert ~ UPDATE #1: Restored and reunited after 98 years.
- EVERITT, M.M. – 20979 Cpl. Albert ~ UPDATE #4: Reunited Victory Medal.
- EVERITT, M.M. ~ 20979 Cpl. ALBERT ~ UPDATE #2: 100th Anniversary of Battle of Passchendaele.
- EVERITT, M.M., – 20979 Cpl. ALBERT ~ UPDATE #3: Hooray! … “JEFF” has been found but where on earth is “MUTT” and “DP” ?
- EVERITT, M.M.. ALBERT ~ Passchendaele gallantry medal milestone = 100 medals reunited.
- FAULKNER, THOMAS ~ Welsh merchant marine Captain’s WW1 medal reunited with great-grandson.
- FERGUSON, DONALD JAMES ALEXANDER ~ Beersheba and the link to the Westport dump.
- FINLAY, BENJAMIN OSBORNE ~ ‘Coin’ reunited with Finlay family of Ngatea.
- FINNERTY, THOMAS BERNARD ~ A Southland felon who paid the ultimate price.
- FIRMAN, GEORGE ~ Stolen medals of missing Dakota DC-3 passenger are reunited with Dunedin family.
- FIRMAN, NZ4312786 LAC. GEORGE, RNZAF ~ Died on Air Operations
- FLETCHER, CYRIL ~ Where have Cyril Fletcher’s war medals been?
- FORBES, FORBES & ZIMMERMANN ~ Stolen WW1 English & French medals surface to the amazement of their ex-pat owner.
- FRIDD, JOHN ~ Awamoko veteran’s Returned Soldier Badge returned to grand-daughter.
- GARTNER, 56764 Rflm. CHARLES HENRY ~ UPDATE: “MUTT” found in Australia; now reunited with “JEFF”
- GARTNER, CHARLES HENRY ~ Bushman, Axeman, Feller, Sawyer, Trimmer, Mill Hand, Saw Doctor – sawdust was in his blood.
- GASQUOINE, CHARLES KIMBELL ~ Father’s unseen war medals reunited with Centenarian daughter.
- GIBSON, NOEL PAIRMAN ~ Hill 60, Gallipoli: into the valley of death, a lad on a man’s mission, .
- GIBSON, SILAS JOHN ~ Death comes quickly to a Collingwood lad.
- GLANVILLE, M.C. – ROLAND BELFIELD A.I.F ~ Historic photo of Military Cross recipient KIA reunited with family.
- GOODING, ROBERT ~ Memorial Cross of a deeply mourned brother finds a home with his only sibling’s grateful family.
- GORSUCH, BERNARD HUGH ~ “Harry’s” forgotten medals reunited with their owner 15+ years after business sold.
- GRATWICK, CHARLES ROBERT ~ Deceased Estate medals of UK migrant reunited with descendant during visit to NZ.
- GRIFFITHS, GEORGE ~ Gisborne horse-breaker’s war medal found in a Nelson garage.
- GUILDFORD / GUILFORD, GERALD EDGAR ~ Gallipoli Veteran’s medal found among RSA jumble sale goods.
- HARRIS, ERNEST JOSHUA ~ Former soldier recovers Gallipoli veteran’s Victory Medal.
- HARRIS, GEORGE GREGORY ~ “Harris” genealogist provides link for medal return to Otorohanga
- HARRIS, LAWRENCE HAROLD ~ Daughter, 94, reunited with father’s medals for ANZAC Day 2017.
- HAY-MACKENZIE, RONALD GORDON ~ Unclaimed WW2 medals of Westport POW united with family after 63 years.
- HENLEY, MBE (Civ), OStJ, DCM – JAMES CYRIL ~ The race to stop a highly decorated 2NZEF soldier’s medals from leaving New Zealand.
- HILL / TIMPSON, JACK HILL aka JOHN THOMAS TIMPSON ~ Boer War medal of Mt. Somers-Hokitika resident & veteran of three wars, reunited with grandson.
- HILL, SIDNEY ANTHONY ~ Great War medals of a Christchurch foundry worker donated to Auckland Salvo’s Family Store.
- HOLST, JAMES ~ WW1 medals of Norwegian immigrant’s son from Bunnythorpe reunited with grand-daughter.
- HOLYOAKE, FRANCIS HENRY ~ Nelson RSA Medals – two groups down, three to go.
- HUGHES, THOMAS HAROLD & THOMAS HENRY ~ Medals of career Nelson Garrison bandsmen found in anonymous Family Store donation.
- HUNT, WILLIAM ~ Concealed identity in the ‘Countess of Ranfurly’s Own’.
- HUNTER, JAMES HAROLD RUSSELL ~ A roadside find in Kerikeri is reunited with its owner by chance & luck, 5 years later.
- JACKSON, 7/500 WO2 Walter James Domney ~ UPDATE: Mission complete!
- JACKSON, WALTER JAMES DOMNEY ~ MRNZ research endorses family’s request for Sgt’s Mess to return soldier’s medals.
- KAHIKA (MiD), WIKI ~ RNZE Assault Pioneer to receive Mentioned In Dispatches for Gallantry in Vietnam nearly 50 years after the event !
- KER, A.R.R.C. (2nd Class) – AMY MARION BAXTER ~ WW2 Hospital Ship nurse’s RSA badge found in her garden 30 years later.
- KINZETT, LEONARD JOHN ~ 10th (Nelson) Mounted man’s portrait on Trade-me returned to family ownership.
- KIRK, REGINALD WILLIAM ~ A Wellington builder renovation leads to the discovery of a West Otago soldier’s war service medals.
- KITTELTY, WILLIAM LESLIE ~ Medals of Greymouth born First Day Gallipoli Lander returned to family hands.
- LEWIS, 4/2097 Spr. Charles Leslie ~ UPDATE #1
- LEWIS, 4/2097 Spr. Charles Leslie ~ UPDATE #2 ~
- LEWIS, CHARLES LESLIE ~ Ex-Navy man honours fallen soldier by salvaging his war medal from ‘op shop’
- LEYDON, BERTIE ERNEST EUSTACE ~ Auckland Sister of Mercy is reunited with father’s Victory Medal.
- LINDSAY, ROYAL GEORGE ~ Kiwi bomber pilot’s “sweetheart brooches” given to Canadian fiancée are returned to New Zealand.
- LINES, DAVID MALCOLM FRANK ~ NZDSM “National Service” medal recovered from donated goods to a Nelson Op-Shop.
- LYTHGOE, JAMES ~ A gutsy young Central Otago man from Bald Hill Flat survived despite a heart condition.
- MACE, WALTER HENRY CYRIL ~ More Trade-Me medals find there way home from Australia.
- MACKAY, JAMES ROBERTSON ~ Navy veteran’s medals ‘adrift’ for 16 years; a police officer’s undisclosed bequest.
- MANSON, WILLIAM ~ Dunedin soldier’s war medal a welcome birthday surprise for 90 year old niece.
- MARCH, JOHN NATHANIEL ~ Waterton soldier’s ‘Death Plaque’ offered for return by Christchurch pawnshop manager.
- MARCH, WILLIAM HENRY ~ A schoolboy’s conscience prompts him to return his ‘treasure’ to a Christchurch family.
- MATTHEWS, LIONEL RICHARD WOOD ~ Nelson RSA medals – four groups returned, one to go.
- McCARTHY, THOMAS FREDERICK ~ Medals of Montecillo’s longest resident welcomed back into family ownership.
- McCASLIN or McCAUSLAND ? – Black box found in Auckland City rubbish skip nearly cost a family the loss of two brother’s military heritage.
- McCAULEY, ERIC FRANCIS ~ Operation Crusader medals an unexpected surprise for Gore’s legendary “Yodelling Cowboy”.
- McCONNELL M.M., JOHN GRAHAM ~ A Napier gunner’s gallantry medal group stolen 35+ years ago, are returned to family.
- McCONNELL, JAMES ~ Boer War & WW1 medals found in Otago publican’s desk in the Teviot Valley.
- McCONNELL, James ~ UPDATE: ~ Returned medals prompt a historic family relic to turn up.
- McDERMID, GEORGE HENRY ~ Dog-tag reunited after nearly 100 years.
- McINTYRE, ALEXANDER FREDERICK ~ Anzac Medallion for Greymouth great-nephew of 2nd day Gallipoli casualty.
- McLEAN aka GALBRAITH, ANGUS ~ A lonely death in a distant land is remembered as a Scotsman’s NZEF war medal is delivered in person to his home in the Outer Hebrides.
- McLEAN, JOHN LIND ~ The forgotten medals of a Southland farmer.
- McMILLAN, ALEXANDER WATT ~ Saltwater Creek farmer a casualty of New Zealand’s “Darkest Day”
- McMILLAN, M.M., – SAMUEL ALBERT ~ Mataura River ‘gold’ is reunited after a 50 plus year unresolved mystery.
- McQUEEN, WILLIAM McD and ROLFE, FREDERICK J. K. ~ Soldiers connected in life, their medals separated in death: an anonymous Whitianga find results in a remarkable reunification.
- METGE, AMY JULIA ~ NZ Hospital Ship nurse’s medal offered up by a collector is reunited with Northcote family.
- MILLARD, ALFRED UDY ~ Gallipoli medal trio is reunited from worlds apart.
- MINTROM, M.C., M.M., – FREDERICK HAROLD ~ Missing double gallantry group of a Canterbury soldier and officer welcomed home.
- MITCHELL, GEORGE DSO, OSK ~ Medals of distinguished soldier – citizen reunited with family after a 40 plus year absence.
- MONK, BERNARD HERBERT ~ Could this medal be one of Grandma’s Personal secrets ?
- MOORE, CHARLES PHILLIP ~ Deceased collector’s WW1 medals reunited with veteran’s great niece.
- MOORFOOT, THOMAS ~ One good turn deserves another.
- MORRIS, GEORGE FREDERICK, RN ~ The destiny of a theatre wardrobe prop is discovered in the Will of a Royal Navy officer’s daughter.
- MURDOCH, ROY GORDON ~ 101 year old letter from the trenches of Armentieres is reunited with soldier’s grand-daughter.
- NEEDHAM, FREDERICK EVERARD ~ Taihape boy’s war medal gift of 80 years ago finds a home with recipient’s nephew.
- NEWMAN, HERBERT DOUGLAS ~ ‘HARRY’ saves Timaru bomber pilot from execution; medals found in the UK returned to family.
- NIND, HORACE WISE ~ Reunited medal the final act of a generous donor before his tragic death.
- NISBETT, PERCY LATOR ~ Nelson RSA Medals – only four groups to go.
- O’BRIEN M.M., JOHN ANDREW ~ The battlefield gallantry of a Southland soldier all but forgotten.
- O’BRIEN, M.M., 29845 Cpl. John “Jack” Andrew ~ UPDATE: An additional unexpected find reunited with medals.
- O’DONNELL, JOHN JOSEPH ~ West Coaster’s medal reunited with Army’s ‘Sword of Honour’ graduate.
- OGDEN, GEORGE ~ ‘NZ Engineers Tunnelling Company’ lends a hand to reunite WW1 medal.
- ORCHARD, BEHAN & GRAINGER ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Stolen bag of NZ & AUST medals handed in to Whakatane Police ~ owners found on both sides of the Tasman.
- OWEN, 6/972 Sgt. Henry Vincent ~ UPDATE ~ WW1 Certificate of Services returned.
- OWEN, HENRY VINCENT ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Hororata farmer’s Gallipoli Medallion recovered in Christchurch police search operation.
- PATTERSON, DENYS BOWEN ~ A chance request uncovers father’s unclaimed WW2 medals.
- PAUL, GERALD ADAM – WW1 medals of New Plymouth “Rough Rider” find a home on the Isle of Wight.
- PETER LEONARD WEATHERILL ~ Retired airman reunited with medals lost 21 years ago, after being spotted on Trade-Me.
- PRESTON, THOMAS ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Medal of returned soldier who was found dead in a Ponsonby house.
- PRICHARD, BEM (Mil), – THOMAS SEYMOUR ~ Medal belonging to New Zealand’s “Mr Shooting” found in Waikari, Nth Canterbury.
- RANDALL, Brothers CHARLIE and JOHN ~ ‘One medal begets two’ ~ a unique hand-over of Koromiko brother’s war medals.
- REED, DONALD NEIL ~ The “Man Overboard” has been found while his Long Service in the RNZN recalled.
- REID, GEORGE ERNEST REID ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Third bombing mission ends in tragedy for newly-wed Dunedin air gunner.
- RENKIN, JOSEPH DALZELL ~ Levin jeweller’s war medals and memorabilia reunited with Taupo family.
- RETIMANA, ALFRED HENRY ~ A burglary and Trade-me purchase of a Malaya campaign veteran’s medal goes full circle.
- REWIRI, TAOHO ~ An Armistice Day to remember – Gallipoli warrior’s medals returned to Far North family.
- ROBERTSON, CHARLES EDWIN ~ Long lost RSA badge found in button box in Invercargill antique shop.
- RUSSELL, JOHN ~ Typhoid invalid’s WW2 medals reunited with step-daughters.
- S, ALBERT HENRY ~ Missing family medals recovered from TradeMe – thanks MRNZ !
- SANDS BROTHERS ~ Devonport op-shop uncovers the tragic cost of the Great War on a Hasting’s family.
- SCOONES, STEWART JOHN ~ Former RNZAF officer reunited with great-uncles WW1 medals in 17 minutes !
- SHEPPARD, WILLIAM CHARLES ~ Nelson RSA medals – only two more families to find.
- SIMEON, PERCIVAL RICHARD ~ Borneo General Service Medal lost 50 years ago reunited with its Perth owner.
- SIMON, EDWARD WAHANUI ~ Prison Officer’s medal found on a Titirangi road during COVID-19 exercise walk.
- SINCLAIR, ALEXANDER ~ The trans-Tasman ‘medal-go-round’ of an Otago soldier’s missing war medals.
- SLOAN, DANIEL LAURENCE ~ Stolen medals found in Lake Forsyth by an eagle-eyed Little River resident.
- SMITH, FREDERICK ~ Brothers who were fatally wounded at Gallipoli, died 50 years apart.
- SMITH, JOHN ~ Samoan (NZ) Relief Force soldier’s diary found in roadside rubbish.
- SORENSEN, CLINT HUIA ~ Navy medals for service in East Timor & Arabian Gulf abandoned in Timaru letterbox.
- SOWMAN, WILLIAM ~ WW1 medal offered by Australian collector to Nelson’s SOWMAN family.
- STANDRING, ARCHIBALD NEWELL ~ Medal of King’s Own Royal (Lancs) Regt. soldier from Wales found in Glendowie backyard fire-pit.
- STANLEY, WILLIAM ROBERT ~ Medal of a ‘lost’ Gallipoli Trooper is returned to a Dunedin descendant, dedicated to honouring his memory.
- STEPHENS, JOHN WILLIAM ~ Boer War medal reunited within the same family !
- STEVENSON, CHARLES EDWARD ~ Reunited ‘Death Plaque’ leads to an unclaimed ANZAC (Gallipoli) Medallion.
- STEWART, JOHN DAVID ~ ‘Anzac’ connection with MRNZ resolves AUSTPOST medal find.
- SWAINSON, JAMES LENNIE ~ An early Christmas present for theft victim, with our compliments.
- TARLTON, HAROLD GEORGE ~ Medals gifted to Stoke boy are reunited with marine archeologist Kelly Tarlton’s descendant family.
- TAYLOR, THOMAS WALTER ~ #200 reunited ~ ID bracelet of a WW2 Gunner from Rai Valley, Marlborough is found after burglary.
- THOMPSON, EDWARD ~ 1st NZ Native Contingent medal safeguarded for 40+ years is finally reunited with whanau.
- THOMSON, KEITH GORDON ~ NZ POLICE Case ~ Operation recovers WW1 medal of Otaki born Auckland Regiment soldier.
- THOMSON, WALTER ROBIN ~ HMNZS Royalist sailor’s unknown medal entitlement claimed 61 years after his sudden death.
- TOOSE, FREDERICK NORMAN ~ Fielding medals reunited with Australian family.
- TORBET, JAMES BAIN PYE – Grandad’s NZEF kitbag found at Tairua is returned to grandson.
- TROTT, A.R.R.C. (2nd Class) – VIOLET MAUD ~ Hanmer Springs hospital matron’s war medals found in Rest Home safe 41 years after she died.
- TURNER, HUGH DIPROSE ~ Medals of Donnellys Crossing veteran reunited with serving great-grandson.
- WALDRON, GEORGE ERNEST EVERARD ~ Sniper victim’s ‘Death Penny’ found overseas is reunited with Taupo descendants.
- WALTER GRAHAM SINCLAIR, M.M. – ‘Death Penny’ of Military Medal winner found in Winton house is reunited with Mosgiel kin.
- WESTBROOK, 55268 Rflm. Frederick Victor ~ UPDATE: ‘Death Penny’ reunited with war medals.
- WESTBROOK, FREDERICK VICTOR ~ From one family veteran to another – medals of a Silverstream WW1 soldier KIA returned to Vietnam Veteran.
- WESTERHOLM, 23/317 Rflm. Norman Barnard Otto ~ UPDATE: Etaples Military Cemetery, France.
- WESTERHOLM, NORMAN BARNARD OTTO ~ Manawatu soldier’s ‘Death Plaque’ found buried in a Wellington driveway.
- WIDDON, BERNARD CECIL ~ Medals dropped by burglars in Geelong Park make a double trans-Tasman crossing.