Michael M. of Invercargill forwarded four medals awarded to members of the NZ Engineers Tunnelling Company to MRNZ in an effort to trace descendants and have the medals returned.
The medals were named to:
21418 SPR George OGDEN – NZ Engineers Tunnelling Coy, 2 Reinf
46223 CPL (SGT) Thomas Murdy BALL – NZ Engineers Tunnelling Coy, 5 Reinf
37562 SPR Charles Neville COLLINS – NZ Engineers Tunnelling Coy, 4 Reinf
37725 SPR John Joseph O’DONNELL – NZ Engineers Tunnelling Coy, 5 Reinf
Recent contact between part-time MRNZ researcher Julie and The New Zealand Engineers Tunnelling Company Project Manager, Sue Baker Wilson, has been instrumental in the recent return of one of these medals – the British War Medal awarded to Spr. George Ogden.
Julie being a member of the NZETC Facebook page contacted Sue with the information regarding the Tunneller’s medals. This resulted in Sue recognizing the Ogden name after having recently hosted a NZ Engineers Tunnelling Company event at which many descendants were present, including Noeleen S. of East Tamaki, George’s great granddaughter. Sue advised me of the descendant connection between Noeleen and George Ogden and after receiving confirmation from Noeleen, she is now the proud custodian of the medal. We will continue to work with the NZETC to hopefully find homes for the other three medals.